I went on a cruise!! It was really fun tbh. I was drunk for the majority of it and I didn't take many pics :/ It was just so amazing to finally go back to the beach, I haven't been since I live in Florida in 2023 and I missed it so much. We stopped in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and the cruise line's private island (we kept calling it Epstien island lmfao) but it was so beautiful. I really spent every day drinking and tanning and stuffing my face with food. The Carribean is so beautiful and I'd love to go back someday for a proper visit. I know it's cringe but when I'm in grass (sand in this case) touch mode I never think to really take pics especially if I'm drinking. I had originally paid for a room with a window thinking I'd barely be in the room but they upgraded me to a balcony room which cruise lines do sometimes to fill those up to sell more windows because people are trying to save money. I took so many naps on the balcony and they were the best naps of my life fr. I swear i could see the ocean when I closed my eyes. I went with my sister, her husband, our cousins and our friends. There was a huge group of us. My days literally went like wake up, hit the buffet, go to pool and drink, come back to room and take porch nap, go back to pool drinking and figure out what we are doing for dinner and repeat lmao.

Rainbow I saw when I woke up and the boat was docked in Puerto Rico and COCONUTS!!!!!!!!
I'm starting to do more traditional art again ^_^ I kinda took a hiatus from it. I always go through phases where I do more of one than the other. Old Poomheads know that when I first made this site I pretty much only did traditional art, then for the past year it was pretty much all pixel and digital, but we are so fucking back. Traditional will always have my heart though fr. ;_;
I been having so many problems with my computer. i have a nice newer gaming computer with a 3080ti and everything so i wasnt really expecting it to break. i've been having issues with it bluescreening randomly and finally it did its final bluescreen lmao and then it wouldnt boot. i suspected it was the ram the whole time because the BSOD error it would give is "Memory_Managment" so it was either the RAM or the drive windows is installed onto. I reinstalled windows, the old flashdrive to bios to fresh install. and after a day or so, it went back to bluescreening and now it won't turn on again -_- when I reinstaled windows i made the stupid mistake to not unplug my seta SSDs that are plugged into the motherboard so the C drive is on my main M2 and the boot files are on one of the SSDs so I re-reinstalled it because it kept bluescreening. Again, it worked for like a night and morning and back to the black screen where it won't boot. I finally got the RAM I ordered today so once again, gonna try to see if replacing it fixes it and if not I'm probably just gonna replace the M2. In the meantime, I had a laptop I downloaded Linux Mint to but I never really used it because I just couldn't get into it. I know Liniux enjoyers will tell me Mint is babby's first distro and they're right but I've already taken the Microsoft bluepill my whole life and I accept my fate. Also, I just prefer sitting at the computer desk where I have the sketchbook in front of me to doodle and I can play video games at high settings and have a giant monitor but I reinstalled windows on it and I've been using that to play neopets and do other stuff. I kinda like how comfortable it is do lay in bed and do all this lol.
My past couple of days have been nothing but reinstall windows and let my Runescape sub lapse because I havent been able to play. Maybe it's for the better because fuck Jagex's proposed subscription plan changes. I did miss out on the chance to join the age old Runescape tradition, a Falador riot.

Time to keep fucking with this stupid computer.
It's a HUGE undertaking but we are doing it! So far this is what I have scanned. Its 297 images so far and this is literally just
a tiny fraction of my collection!!! I have plastic boxes full of old stationary and this is just the memos. I still have to get to the sticker sheets and flakes. I've spent all of yesterday and the night before scanning and Robyn and Ravey are doing the same. We are excited to share with the world!! I think we have decided not to edit any of them other than cleaning up any stray marks. As much as I'd love to crank up the saturation, we have decided against it. While these are very bright in the real world, the scanner has really washed them out. I did however crank it up for the gif below just to keep everything in line with the colors of my site lmao. If people want to reuse them for anything, they are free to edit.
Another complaint of mine about the "old web" or whatever you wanna call it. It differs from back in the day. I get the sense that most people dont create anything with the intent to share it for others to use. The only original content they share is pretty much their art and writing. Nothing they themselves created for people in the community. No scans, photoshop brushes, code snippets, premade layouts, icons and other stuff like that. There is nothing wrong with that and I understand not everyone is devoted to the grind or has the means or "skills" for lack of better term to do it. There is a few people nowadays creating amazing things for others to use (if this is you, I love you) but they are so few that so many people end up reusing the same stuff over and over and over leading to a homoginization and sameness to the old web that is really just the same complaint people have about social media. I'm sorry if this is mean, it's really not my intent. My point to all of this is there is fun in creating and sharing. Branch out. Try something new.
Today "resources" means "stuff I found on tumblr and pinterest and stole" but its totally MINE DONUT STEEL I SPENT SO MUCH TIME FINDING IT uwu. When it's something someone made 15 years ago with the intent to share it. Resources used to mean "original stuff I made for you to use" I'm tired of clicking a resource link on a site and it's just the same stuff from glittergraphics over and over again.
It bothers me that so much love and creativity has been put into making these things just for people to take them and not leave credit. I think people misunderstand "free to use". Yes they are free to use, many times even free to edit depending on stipulations the creator has laid out. But too many times I just see "email me for credit" like its putting onus on the creator to be on the lookout for people using their stuff. I swear everyone becomes millitant about crediting when it comes to drawing their Steven Universe Tumblr ship pairings or whatever the fuck but once it's pixels and graphics, it's free game and not really respected and seen as art. A lot of the graphics from the olden times, especially stuff like blinkies and stamps have exchanged hands so many times that it's really impossible to tell who made it so that is understandable to not know who to credit. For the few people making original content for other people to use, please cherish and respect them, they are doing you a service on this stale ass internet.

Bonus: Here are the two memos my current pixel layout and previous pixel layout were inspired by ;_;
Ravey and I are working on a database of our personal scanned kawaii stationary collections that we have hoarded over the years. It's gonna be tied to Juice-Bar, it's not quite ready yet since we still have to create the layout but the "backend" part of it is set up. It will kinda be a spiritual successor to
Smile Scan.
I kinda wanna talk about something that has been annoying me honestly for years and I'm sorry if it's mean and petty and has no bearing in the real world. I might just be old at this point but I feel like once normies discovered kawaii and it became kinda boring. Like really surface level shit like Totoro, the basic Sanrio characters and western shit like Squishmallows (Honestly no shade cus I like all those to esp Sanrio) and pictures of pink Meyoco juice boxes and milk cartons in that very flat simplistic style it was fucking over. It all honestly gives Aliexpress.
I hate that everything is so muted now and has like these fake textures to make it looks "soft" it really looks dusty to me. Like the old Sanrio was so SOVL but what the hell are they doing now? I get it, design trends change but I think kawaii is suffering it's own version of
Millenial Grey. Like yes it's cute, but its BORING. Maybe my eyes are just seared with saturated colors but I'm tired of looking at it.
Old vs New

Even more obscure kawaii brands are doing this, I'm not sure about design trends in Japan to where I have a difinitive answer, I don't live there, I don't speak the language
but to me it seems it's not just brands that are popular in the west catering to western tastes. Both of these examples are from the brand, Crux. Here is an old memo pad featuring Pururun Purin-chan (Not to be confused with Q-lia's Purinchan lmao) from the 2000's vs a modern one featuring characters known as Fuwatto Time.

I know this is all a matter of personal taste, I don't hate these to the point of rage, unlike the unholy affront to God and my eyeballs that is
mass produced western kawaii, but I just can't help but feel nostalgic over the old stuff and I miss it being the default. Zoomers are starting to call old kawaii "Heisei Retro" with a million spinoffs like "Clovercore"
🤢 and it's just like nah, it's not any convoluted phrase, it's just kawaii. it was always just kawaii. Real ones know this.
i wanted to make another vector. i've been considering making a vector layout on my pixel site. i'm getting the itch to redo it again. every few months i get tired of the current one lol. i kinda want to put a theme switcher between both kinds of layout. another kawaii sundae. this was kinda relaxing to do lol.
Grundo's Cafe lookup. Yes, I recycled some css from pomelo hehehe. I'm having so much fun since moderneo doesnt allow html. just bbcode... but it aint the same...
this tuesday
(09.17.24) is
robyn aka pastelhello's one year friendiversary!! i cant believe a year ago she reached out to me to ask if would co-admin
juice bar with her. of course I agreed, and it was true besties ever since. we swapped discords and have talked literally all day e v e r y single day since. i can't believe how much we have in common and how much we get each other. i cherish her friendship so much, she never fails to make me laugh, she totally gets me and she is always there to offer her help any time i need it. we have both gone through so much together in one short year and we are always here for each other for support. robyn ily bebi!!! cheers to many more years! one day poomfeen headquarters will be a reality.
look at this adorable poom
birthday petpet pixel and lil sign she made me ;_; i will always be in awe of your pixel text robyn
my site is so incredibly image heavy that i was having issues with pics hosted on my neocities account not loading when a bunch of them were in one place. i stupidly hosted them on
imgbb thinking it would be a solution, i should have learned my lesson of the total death of tinypic and imageshack cus now imgbb pics are failing to load. i will slowly be replacing all the images on my site and rehosting them.
the zones in dawntrail are so beautiful. so many of them are giving Final Fantasy X. umm Macalania and Pyreflies check?
*tap tap tap* ahem... allow me to flex
Robyn and I have been dabbling with vectors in
Krita!! I want to make a vector layout version of my pixel site someday heh
they are sisters
buying a domain vs renewing a domain U_U
I'm about to start Endwalker!!! Uhh level check?

i just got my fist set of jelly gouache!!! i love them so much! here is a lil jester girl speed test painting

looking at old scanners on ebay to scan my drawings to give them that proper 2004 deviantart traditional art look
i'm back on my bullshit
ok the best video game soundtracks are the pre caves and cliffs update c418 minecraft, old school runescape, bomberman, the ps1 spyros and katamari
lmfao im sorry but bedroom pop is the most boring genre of music ive ever heard
breaking my neocities hiatus to tell yall that we all know the le quirky s0o0 relAtABLE xD dipped my paintbrush in my CoFfEe meme xddd but while trying to prime my canvases i unironcally put lotion on them cus i keep both on my desk and grabbed the wrong one >_<

i'm kinda taking a mini hiatus from neocities. focusing on a lot of stuff right now but i will be back soon. life is busy n overwhelming sometimes.
what the fuck is kin, what the fuck is ship lmao grass is free and readily available to touch
this was the original bad bitch scent
omg people who donate all of their fishing junk like old boots and driftwood to the money tree on neopets are so annoying.
ive been doing oil painting again recently!!! im gonna post some paintings soon, its just kinda tedious waiting for it to kinda dry before layering. hehe im not great at oils, im still trying to get more comfortable with it
lowkey kinda excited for minecraft live!!!
I often think about starting a youtube channel... maybe minecraft of classic world of warcraft content. I just can't get myself to sit down and record a video lmao.
Wearing a Juggalo tshirt ironically
It's starting to get chilly and I don't want it to. I just want eternal summer ;_; being cold is so uncomfortable
I will be setting up an RSS feed soon.
i'm really considering getting a cat, like i think about it every day...
I love being clean. fresh out the shower. like hair washed, body moisturiezed, skincare routine done, clean clothes out of the dryer on... still warm. the best feeling.
I hit 70 on ANOTHER druid mwahaha

the freedom of expression on the "oldweb" is too powerful for zoomers and people too used to platforms that control speech. like if you dont like someones opinion LMFAOO BRO CLOSE THE TAB LMAO
okay lets go?
umm what if we made a neocities minecraft server???
cherry tomatoes are such a good snack. especially when cold from the fridge n dipped in a lil bit of salt.
the current state of photobucket makes me so sad. that was the pinterest and tumblr before pinterest and tumblr. no joke probably billions of drawings, graphics, icons, pixels on it. it really was the place to get all that stuff back in the day. i fear it will shut down any day now because u cant even search anything on it anymore and everyones accounts are being held hostage until you pay for more hosting. i've backed up both of my accounts and will be posting an extensive collection of livejournal 100x100 icons soon for posterity because once this ship sinks, its over us nostalgia enjoyers
gonna start working on neopet adoptables again soon! 🤩
i really need to go grocery shopping but i dont feel like it >_<
ok based?
he concept of venmo is insane to me. normies really have no sense of privacy and its very strange and hilarious to announce to the world who you're paying and for what. then again they out here putting their full ass name, dob, location and everything identifiable on facebook???
i been playing so much classic wow. heh