Mobs are affected by the environment in the same ways as the player; they are subject to physics, and they can be hurt by the same things that harm the player (catching on fire, falling, drowning, attacked by weapons, /kill command, etc.). Some mobs may be resistant or immune to certain hazards, such as some Nether mobs, which are immune to fire. All aquatic mobs except dolphins are immune to drowning. Mobs can ride minecarts and other mobs can climb up ladders. When mobs are killed, they turn to dust and drop items that may be useful resources. Each type of mob in Minecraft has a certain AI (artificial intelligence) system with different behaviors and mechanics. Mobs ordinarily wander around at random if there is a player within 32 blocks and usually avoid walking off blocks high enough to cause falling damage. Many mobs have an advanced path-finding system that allows them to navigate through obstacles to get to a desired object or destination. Passive mobs flee in random directions after being hurt, while hostile mobs face and chase/attack the player as soon as the player comes close. Neutral mobs remain neutral until a player or mob provokes it (usually by attacking), at which point the neutral mob becomes hostile toward and attacks the entity that hit it. Most mobs are aware of players within 16 blocks of them, but some can see farther. Conversely, most mobs can be heard by players up to 16 blocks (spherical) away. Mobs are harmless to players in Creative mode.
Most mobs cannot see through most solid blocks, including semi-transparent blocks such as ice, glass, tall grass, or glass panes. In Java Edition, mobs (except wardens) do not attempt to walk over rails tracks unless pushed onto the rails by other mobs.
Mobs spawn in various ways. Most mobs spawn naturally, depending on the light level, biome, and their surroundings. For example, most animals are found in bright areas on the surface, while hostile monsters are commonly found in the dark (whether it's a cave, dungeon, mansion, or at night). Animals usually spawn upon chunk generation, while hostile monsters spawn and despawn in a certain radius around the player. Some mobs including passive and neutral animals, and even hoglins have the ability to be bred by the player, creating offspring. Villagers also breed randomly depending on the time of day and the number of beds (though they can’t be directly bred by the player). Most mobs never spawn on transparent blocks, in water (except fish, dolphins, turtles, and other aquatic creatures), in lava (except for striders), on bedrock, or on blocks less than a full block tall (such as slabs placed on the bottom half). The exception is monster spawners, from which monsters can spawn naturally on any block including air.
Some mobs (like the snow golem and the wither) require that the player "construct" them before being able to spawn. The iron golem can spawn naturally and can also be constructed. The ender dragon can be respawned with four end crystals.
Players can also spawn mobs easily by using a spawn eggs in Creative mode, or the /summon command.
Passive Mobs
Passive mobs are harmless mobs (except for the pufferfish) that do not attempt to attack the player, even when provoked or attacked. Most of them can be bred or tamed.
Allay is a flying passive mob that collects and delivers items for any player that gives it something or any note block it hears recently playing.
Allays can be found surrounding pillager outposts, confined inside dark oak cages. One to three allays can spawn in each cage. They spawn here with a 50% chance.
Allays can also spawn inside jail cells within woodland mansions. One to three allays can spawn in each cell. They spawn here with a 50% chance
Axolotl is a passive bucketable aquatic mob found in lush caves that hunts most other aquatic mobs, and can assist players with aquatic combat and grant them Regeneration. Axolotls spawn underwater in the lush caves biome and when there is a clay block less than five blocks below the spawning space.
Axolotls can be one of five colors: pink (leucistic), brown (wild), gold, cyan and blue. Axolotls attack all aquatic mobs except turtles, dolphins, frogs and other axolotls. They also attack the drowned. An axolotl deals 2 points of damage per attack. However, axolotls do not attack the player.
Bat is a flying ambient passive mob that spawns in dark areas underground. They are small, less than a block tall and wide. They squeak randomly. They often fly around aimlessly, tending to favor the east, and sometimes fly into lava and catch on fire.
Bats hang upside down on the underside of a solid block when idle, though they cannot hang on transparent or non-solid blocks. If a player approaches a bat hanging upside down, even if the player is invisible, it flies away. This also happens if the player breaks the block the bat is hanging from.
Camel is a passive mob found in desert villages that can be saddled and ridden by up to two players at once. A camel is tall enough that its riders cannot be reached from the ground by a few melee-attacking harmful mobs, who do not attack the camel. A camel spawns in the center of each desert village during world generation. They do not respawn if they are killed. Camels have the unique ability to step up 1.5 block-high walls, unlike other mounts such as horses, which can automatically step up one block without jumping. This allows camels to step onto fences and walls, among other things.
Cat is a passive mob found in villages and swamp huts. Cats can see players even if they have the Invisibility status effect. With the exception of a faster movement rate, kittens have the same behavior as adults. They hiss at phantoms that are currently pursuing a player. Creepers and phantoms avoid cats, even while pursuing a player, keeping a distance of 6 and 16 blocks away respectively from any cats. However, a creeper that has begun its detonation does not flee unless the player leaves its blast radius.
Chicken is a passive mob found in grass biomes and the main source of Chicken, feathers and eggs. All baby zombie variants and baby zombified piglins have a 5% chance to spawn riding a Chicken, forming a chicken jockey. Adult Chickens that were not part of Chicken jockeys lay an egg every five to ten minutes. A Chickens wanders aimlessly but go after players holding various seeds within a six by four by six cubic area, while a chick follows adult Chickens. Chickens avoid falling off cliffs and flap their wings when they are in middle air and fall slowly.
Cod are common bucketable aquatic passive mobs found in oceans, and a source of raw cod and, occasionally, bones or bone meal.Cod tend to swim in schools (a maximum of nine cod per school). The player may collect a cod by using a water bucket on it, which gives the player a bucket of fish. Cod placed with buckets do not despawn naturally. When that fish bucket is used on a block, it empties the bucket, placing water with the cod swimming in it.
Cow is a passive mob found in most grassy biomes and a source of leather, beef and milk. Cows spawn above grass blocks in small herds during world generation or individually afterwards. Their spawn rate varies per biome. Also, a cow sometimes spawns inside animal pens and butchers' houses in villages. Most cows spawn as adults, but they have a 5% chance of spawning as a calf (baby cow). A cow moos and huffs occasionally while wandering aimlessly, but tends to stay on well lit and grassy places. A cow follows a player who holds wheat but stops following if separated from the player by at least six blocks.
Donkey are variants of horses that, when tamed, can be ridden and equipped with chests. 1-3 donkeys spawn in plains and only 1 in savannas. Donkeys also spawn in meadows. 20% of the individual donkeys spawn as foals. Tamed and saddled donkeys are some of the fastest means of transportation or hauling in the game, although they are unable to fit through single block-wide openings. They can also be used to climb hills and jump fences, which the player can't generally.Donkeys cannot float on water when being controlled by a player. They can be ridden in water up to 2 blocks deep. In deeper water, the player is automatically dismounted.
Frog is a passive mob found in swamps. Frogs eat small slimes and magma cubes. A frog can produce one of three kinds of Froglights from eating magma cubes, depending on the type of frog.Frogs attack by using their tongue to pull certain mobs into their mouth, whereupon the mob instantly despawns without a death animation. Frogs also attack small magma cubes, leaving a froglight block. When the magma cube gets targeted, the frog will walk towards it at a faster pace before attacking. The color of froglight that drops depends on the type of frog that attacks the magma cube:
Glow Squid is an aquatic passive mob found in dark underwater areas, typically in ocean depths, ravines and underground lakes. The glow squid is a variety of squid. It has an aqua luminescent texture. They were ported to vanilla Minecraft from Minecraft Earth. Glow squid wander around aimlessly in three dimensions as long as they are in the water, opening and closing their tentacles, which gives them the appearance of pushing themselves leisurely forward. Glow squid are passive toward the player. They are not attracted to light and do not deliberately interact with the player. Glow squid sometimes beach themselves and suffocate on the banks of rivers and occasionally on ocean beaches. These behaviors are shared with traditional squid.
Horse are passive mobs that can be ridden when tamed and saddled. Horses spawn in plains and savannas in herds of 2–6. For horses, all combinations of color and markings are equally likely. All members of the herd have the same color, but markings may vary. 20% of all individual horses spawn as foals. Villages naturally generate with stables and animal pens containing horses. Tamed and saddled horses can be used as a means of transportation in the game. When ridden, they are able to move faster and jump higher than a normal player. Horses can be used to climb hills and jump fences, as some can jump high enough to clear up to five block heights, versus the player's maximum of about one (without jump boost).
Mooshroom are mushroom-covered variants of cows exclusive to the rare mushroom fields biome. Although they look similar to cows, they are not cows. Red mooshrooms can spawn in mushroom fields biomes in herds of 4–8 when the light level is 9 or higher and on mycelium. They do not naturally spawn in any other biome. Shearing a mooshroom drops 5 corresponding mushrooms and turns the mooshroom into a normal cow, emitting a smaller version of the explosion particle. The mushrooms don't grow back. This implies that mooshrooms are normal cows that have been infected with mushrooms. Mooshrooms can also be milked using bowls to get mushroom stew.
Mule are the offspring of horses and donkeys that, when tamed, can be ridden and equipped with chests. Mules do not spawn naturally, but they can spawn through cross-breeding a horse with a donkey. Mules cannot breed with other mules. Tamed and saddled mules can be used as a means of transportation in the game. Mules can be equipped with chests and used as pack animals. They can be pulled along and tied up using a lead.
Ocelot spawn above grass blocks in jungle biomes. Ocelots are immune to fall damage, but still avoid falls. An ocelot attacks chickens and baby turtles. They sneak and stalk their prey before chasing it down. They can kill through a fence, a fence gate or a door if they are against it. Creepers stay six blocks away from an ocelot. A creeper within this range that has begun its detonation does not flee unless the player leaves its blast radius. Phantoms stay 16 blocks away from an ocelot in Bedrock Edition.
Parrot is a tameable passive mob that spawns in jungle biomes. Parrots imitate sounds of nearby monsters and can perch on the player's shoulders. Parrots naturally spawn in groups of 1–2 in jungles, sparse jungles and bamboo jungles above logs, leaves or grass blocks. Unlike most passive mobs, parrots cannot be bred. A parrot drops from one to two feathers upon death. Parrots are passive and swim in water by flapping its wings. A parrot flies and usually flies upward if it is struck; parrots flap their wings and fall slowly, preventing fall damage.
Pigs are a passive mob found commonly in most grass biomes. Pigs are a source of porkchops and can be equipped with a saddle to be driven. In Java Edition, pigs spawn in groups of 4 above grass blocks at a light level of 9 or more in any grassy Overworld biome except in snowy plains, meadows and wooded badlands. Individual pigs rarely may spawn on grass after the world generation. When a pig or piglet is struck by lightning, it transforms into a zombified piglin or baby zombified piglin.
Pufferfish are bucketable aquatic mobs found in oceans. Although they never seek out mobs to attack, they will defensively inflate themselves when approached too closely by players, axolotls or non-aquatic mobs, dealing damage and inflicting Poison on them. Pufferfish inflate themselves when approached by the player, most mobs, and armor stands. The player may collect a fish by using a water bucket on it, giving the player a bucket of pufferfish. Fish placed with buckets do not despawn naturally. When that fish bucket is used against a block, it empties the bucket, placing water with that fish swimming in it. An empty bucket may be used as well. Unlike other fish, pufferfish don't swim in schools.
Rabbits are an uncommon passive mob and is a source of rabbit's foot, rabbit hide, and raw rabbit. Rabbits spawn above grass, snow blocks, or sand. They generate individually after the generation of the world. Rabbits hop around aimlessly instead of walking. They can jump up almost 2 blocks in height. They slowly approach players holding carrots, golden carrots or dandelions within 8 blocks. They don't follow the players that hold carrot on a stick although pigs do. Wild wolves, foxes, and stray cats track down and kill any rabbits.
Salmon are common bucketable aquatic passive mobs found in oceans and rivers, and a source of raw salmon and, occasionally, bones or bone meal. Salmon tend to swim in schools (a maximum of seven salmon per school). Salmon can swim up approximately 4–5 blocks in waterfalls, emulating the behavior of real-world salmon that leap into and over small waterfalls to reach their spawning ground.
The player may collect salmon by using a water bucket on it, which gives the player a bucket of salmon. Salmon placed with buckets do not despawn naturally.
Sheep are common passive mobs that supply wool and mutton and are found in many of the grassy biomes. The majority of sheep are white, with an 81.836% chance of spawning. The light gray, gray and black sheep each have a 5% chance of spawning, or a 15% chance collectively. Brown sheep have an uncommon 3% chance to spawn. Pink sheep have a rare chance of 0.164% of spawning naturally. Sheep wander aimlessly and individually or in small flocks of two to four. Sheep avoid cliffs and hazardous areas if it warrants damage.
Skeleton Horse is an undead neutral variant of the horse. It sometimes spawns when lightning strikes. A “skeleton trap horse” is a neutral skeleton horse spawned from a fraction of lightning generated naturally by a thunderstorm (0.75–1.5% chance on Easy, 1.5–4% on Normal, and 2.25–6.75% on Hard, depending on regional difficulty). Skeleton horses can be used as one of the fastest means of transportation in the game, though they are unable to fit through single block-wide openings. They can be ridden in water in any depth. Skeleton horses sink in the water and can be ridden along the ocean or river floor.
Sniffer is a passive mob that does not spawn naturally, and can only be hatched from sniffer eggs. It sniffs out and digs out seeds for various unique decorative plants out of dirt, grass, and moss blocks. Sniffers wander aimlessly, avoiding hazards and obstacles. They occasionally smell their surroundings and track ancient seeds by pressing their nose to the ground. When they find a seed they use their noses to dig into the ground until they get torchflower seeds or a pitcher pod.
Snow Golem is a buildable passive mob that throws snowballs at monsters, which provokes them into attacking it. Depending on the biome temperature it will also either produce a trail of snow, or take heat damage and die. Snow golems are created by placing 2 snow blocks in an I shape, and then placing a pumpkin, a carved pumpkin, or a jack o'lantern on top. The pumpkin may be placed by the player, a dispenser, or an enderman. Snow golems move toward all monsters (except ghasts) and throw snowballs at them up to 10 blocks away, provoking them, regardless of whether they attack the player.
Squid is a common passive aquatic mob that spawns in rivers and oceans. 2 to 4 squid can spawn in water from Y-level 50 to 63, as long as the biome is a river or ocean variant. The block above must also be water, and the block below must be water or waterlogged. Squid share the water creature mob cap with dolphins. Squid are passive toward the player. They are not attracted to light and do not deliberately interact with the player. Upon death, Squids drop ink sacs.
Strider is a passive mobs native to the Nether. They can walk/stride on lava and be saddled by the player. A warped fungus on a stick is needed to control a strider, similar to how a pig is controlled by a carrot on a stick. Striders can spawn in every Nether biome. Two to four striders spawn on spaces of lava that have an air block above. They are the only passive mob in the Nether. Lava does not damage striders. Unlike most mobs, striders can walk on top of lava without sinking.
Tadpole is a bucketable aquatic baby passive mob hatched from frogspawn. They mature into one of the three frog variants depending on the biome in which they mature.
As with other baby animals, tadpoles do not drop any items or experience on death.
Tropical Fish are common bucketable aquatic passive mobs found in oceans, mangrove swamps and lush caves. There are 2,700 naturally occurring variants of tropical fish of different colors and shapes with unique names. Random varieties of tropical fish spawn in groups of 8 in lukewarm or warm oceans (as well as their deep variants) at Y-level 50 to 63, and in lush caves at any Y-level.
Turtle is a common passive mob found in beach biomes. They are the only source of scutes, which drop from baby turtles when they mature into adults. Turtles spawn on the sand in the Overworld on beaches with daylight, but not in its snowy variant or stony shores, occasionally in small groups of up to 5 individuals. 10% of turtles spawned are babies.
Villager are passive mobs that inhabit villages, work at their professions, breed, and interact with each other. Their outfit varies according to their occupation and biome. A player can trade with them using emeralds as currency. They are also the most complex mob in the game, expressing a vast array of behaviours. Villagers can be found in villages, which spawn in several biomes such as plains, snowy plains, savannas, deserts, taigas, and snowy taigas and can cut into other biomes such as swamps and jungles. When the village is generated, unemployed villagers spawn in them, the number of which depends on the buildings in that village, as some buildings generate villagers inside and some do not. Zombie Villagers can be cured for discounted trades.
Wandering Trader is a passive mob that randomly spawns near the player. It can trade, making natural items more available, less dangerous to obtain, and in some cases, renewable. The wandering trader appears randomly in the Overworld with 2 leashed trader llamas. They typically spawn within a 48-block radius of a player. In Bedrock Edition, they also try to spawn by a claimed bell in a village. The wandering trader has 6 random trades. New trades are not unlocked after trading with it. After spawning, the wandering trader prefers to wander within 16 blocks of the initial spawning target location, even if that player leaves or the bell is removed, if not otherwise reacting to nearby players or mobs.
Neutral mobs
Neutral mobs are sometimes passive and sometimes hostile toward the player. All of these mobs (except goats and foxes) are provoked when the player attacks it first. Some mobs may also be naturally hostile with provocation, and some mobs also have some additional way to be provoked.
Bees are flying neutral mobs that live in bee nests and beehives. Bees pollinate flowers and, when they do, add honey to their home when they return to it. When full, bee nests or beehives can be harvested with shears for honeycombs or glass bottles for honey bottles. If provoked by being attacked or breaking or harvesting their hive or nest without the correct precautions, bees suicidally attack in a swarm. Naturally generated bee nests generate with 4 bees in them.
Cave Spider is a small variants of the spider that inflict Poison with their attacks. They are exclusively spawned by monster spawners found in mineshafts. They are hostile if in light level 7 abd below and neutral if in a light level above 8. Cave spiders spawn from monster spawners in mineshafts at a light level of 0. These monster spawners are surrounded by cobwebs in corridors of mineshafts. On Normal or Hard, cave spiders inflict Poison upon attacking.
Dolphin is a neutral mobs that live in non-frozen oceans, which grant a speed boost to players that swim near them. Dolphins are found in groups (pods) of 3–5 in all ocean biomes, except frozen oceans and cold oceans. Players who sprint-swim within a 9 block spherical radius of a dolphin receive Dolphin's Grace for 5 seconds, increasing their swim speed.
Drowned are common underwater zombie variants that spawn in oceans, rivers and dripstone caves, or when zombies drown. They usually attack through melee attacks, but may also come armed with tridents that they throw. They are the only source of tridents, and the only renewable source of copper. They are hostile (during nighttime and to players touching water) Passive (to players not touching water during daytime) Neutral (if a player does not touch water during daytime, AND the drowned is equipped with a Trident)
Enderman are a tall neutral mob found in all three dimensions. Endermen normally ignore players and lazily amble about, but they will swiftly walk to attack those that damage it or look directly at its face. Endermen teleport to avoid water (which harms them), projectiles and some other damage sources, and they occasionally pick up certain blocks. They will also teleport more rapidly in sunlight. An enderman can be provoked by a player or other mob attacking them. They can also be provoked by a player looking them in the eyes for 5 game ticks (1⁄4 second) from up to 64 blocks away. Endermen open their mouths and begin to shake angrily if provoked; they also make loud and lengthy sounds while being stared at. If the player continues to maintain eye contact, the enderman does not move, although it may teleport away. Once the player stops looking at the enderman, it runs toward the back of the player to attack.
Fox is a passive mob that spawns in taigas, old growth taigas, snowy taigas and mountain groves. They are able to carry a single item in their mouth, but prefer food over other items. Foxes spawn in groups of two to four in taiga, old growth taiga, snowy taiga and grove biomes. 5% of them spawn as baby foxes. They can spawn on grass, coarse dirt, podzol, snow blocks, or top snow. Foxes that spawned in a snowy biome are white. If any item is on the ground near a fox, it travels to the item and picks it up, and the item appears in the fox's mouth.
Goat is a neutral mob found in certain mountainous biomes. Goats can jump especially high and ram mobs. They are a source of goat horns and milk. Groups of two to three goats spawn above stone variants of opaque blocks on snowy slopes, jagged peaks, and frozen peaks at the surface at a light level of 7 or higher. Goats spawn individually and more uncommonly after the world generation. 5% of all goats spawn as babies. Every 30 to 300 seconds, a goat tries to ram a single unmoving target it can see within a range of 4–16 blocks. They can target players, armor stands, or any mob except for ghasts and other goats.
Iron Golem is a buildable neutral mob that attacks monsters with its arms, knocking them into the air. Iron golems created by villagers or spawned in villages patrol their village, and may attack players that attack it or have a low popularity or reputation with their village. In Java Edition, villagers can summon iron golems, either when they are gossiping or panicking. In Bedrock Edition, an iron golem can spawn naturally when a village first generates in the world. Iron golems also spawn in villages having at least 20 beds and 10 villagers. Iron golems wander around a village in a patrol-like fashion, staying close to buildings and other structures. Like villagers, iron golems do not wander away from a village, regardless of how they were spawned, but sometimes stand at the border of the village.
Llama is a tamable neutral mob used to transport large shipments of items. A llama spawns at a light level 7 or above on grass blocks in savanna plateau, savanna or windswept savanna biomes in herds of 4 llamas and in windswept hills, windswept forest, and windswept gravelly hills biomes in herds of 4 to 6 llamas, coming in four coat colors: brown, cream, white or gray. Llamas do not accept saddles, so the player cannot control its movement, even when tamed. Leads are the best way to move llamas. Leashing a llama actually signals all other llamas not already in a caravan nearby (up to nine) to follow each other, forming a caravan of up to ten llamas. Leashing a second llama forms a caravan of ten more llamas and there is no limit on the number of llamas following a player.
Trader Llama is a unique variant that accompanies wandering traders. Unlike regular llamas, Trader llamas wear colorful carpets on their backs, distinguishing them visually. They're typically found in the company of wandering traders. They cannot be tamed bred with the normal variant of llama. The carpet they spawn with are unique and uncraftable, unlike the llama carpets that are crafted using wool. If the player attacks the wandering trader, the llamas will attack by spitting at the player. Llama spit can be blocked with a shield.
Panda is a rare neutral mob that resides in jungles. Certain aspects of a panda's behavior and appearance vary depending on its personality. Pandas spawn rarely in groups of 1–2 in jungle biomes at the surface on grass blocks with at least two-block space above them at a light level of 9 or more. They are slightly more common in bamboo jungles and have a 5% chance to spawn as cubs instead of adults. Pandas spawn with a randomized personality, with the normal personality being the most common and the brown variant being the rarest.
Polar Bear are neutral mobs that live in icy biomes. Polar bears spawn above grass or ice in snowy plains, ice spikes, regular and deep frozen ocean biomes in groups of up to two at light level 7 or higher. If there is a group, the second polar bear is a cub. Polar bears can exist in a passive or hostile state. The cubs are passive; adults are hostile when with cubs or provoked, adults also attack if a player gets near cubs in Bedrock edition. Polar bears also attack foxes. Polar bears attack by rearing on their back legs and mauling down with their front paws. Their swimming speed is equal to the player's, making them difficult to get away from if they are attacking in water.
Piglins is a neutral mob found in the Nether. It is hostile to players unless they wear at least one piece of golden armor. It can be given gold ingots to barter for various items. It wields either a golden sword or a crossbow, and uses either melee or ranged attacks, respectively. Baby piglins do not grow up, never hold weapons or attack, and take gold without giving anything in return. Piglins sometimes attack hoglins, causing other piglins and piglin brutes in that area to attack the targeted hoglin as well. Adult piglins can trade gold ingots for certain items, when a gold ingot is dropped near them or the player uses it while looking at them.
Spider is a neutral mob that attacks the player in dark areas. Spiders attack by biting the target, and they can also climb walls and lunge at them. They are hostile if the light level is below 11. Up to four spiders may spawn in a 3×1×3 space centered on an opaque block in the Overworld at a light level of 0, except in mushroom fields and deep dark biomes. They can spawn and enter areas of a height of 1 block unlike other mobs. Hostile spiders see up to 16 blocks, continuing to chase even when exposed to well-lit locations. If a spider sustains damage from a source other than a direct attack, such as falling, its hostility resets to a neutral state.
Wolf is a neutral mob that can be tamed and used to assist in combat with most hostile mobs. Wolves spawn naturally above grass blocks, dirt, coarse dirt, snow blocks or podzol in forests, taigas, groves, old growth taigas, and snowy taigas, along with all variants of these biomes (with the exception of flower forests), in packs of 4, where 10% spawn as pups. Naturally-spawned wolves are untamed and become hostile if attacked by the player. Standing tamed wolves wander randomly when near their owner, but follow if more than 10 blocks away and teleport to a nearby free block
Zombified Piglin is a neutral undead variant of the piglin that inhabits the Nether. Zombified piglins normally ignore players, but if one is attacked, it and all zombified piglins in the vicinity become enraged and attack the aggressor with their golden swords.Zombified piglins are not distracted by gold, and cannot barter, unlike piglins. They also do not follow players that are holding a gold ingot or another gold item. They have a 5% chance of spawning as baby zombified piglins. Zombified piglins are not initially hostile, but all zombified piglins a 20-block radius centered on an attacked zombified piglin become aggressive if any individual is attacked.
Hostile Mobs
Hostile mobs are dangerous, aggressive mobs that always attack the player within their respective detection ranges.
Blaze is a hostile mob that spawns in nether fortresses and is the only source of blaze rods. Blazes attack at range by firing a trio of fireballs or can attack the player that gets too close to them with their spinning rods. Blazes may spawn naturally in nether fortresses in groups of 2 or 3 at a light level of 11 or less. Blazes spawn from monster spawners in nether fortresses. The spawners are located on small platforms with a three-block staircase leading up to it. Blazes are immune to damage from fire and lava, and fly, although when not attacking they stay on the ground or sink down slowly through the air. They drop Blaze Rods upon death.
Creeper is a common hostile mob that silently approaches players and then explodes, which can destroy blocks and kill unarmored players on any difficulty (except for peaceful). When struck by lightning, a creeper becomes a charged creeper, which amplifies its explosion power and enables mob heads to be obtained from piglins, zombies, skeletons and other creepers it kills. Due to its distinctive appearance and unique and destructive method of attack, the creeper has become one of the most iconic mobs of Minecraft. Creepers drop gunpowder upon death.
Endermite is the smallest hostile mob. An endermite may spawn when a player throws an ender pearl. They attack by biting the player. Endermen are hostile toward endermites. Endermites have a 5% chance to spawn when a player-thrown ender pearl lands. They spawn at the player's original position when the pearl lands. Endermites attack players within 16 blocks and become hostile toward any mob if it attacks an endermite.
Evoker is a spell-casting illager found in woodland mansions and raids, and the only source of the totem of undying. It uses two spells to attack; one that summons armor-piercing fangs and one that summons vexes. An evoker spawns during the generation of particular woodland mansion rooms. An evoker moves at the player's sprinting speed, crosses its arms and does not show its hands. Evokers attack players, adult villagers, iron golems, snow golems and wandering traders within 12 blocks by rising and waving both of their arms while looking at their target and summoning magical fangs or vexes, creating different colored particles for the different attacks. The evoker signals this attack by producing purple particles and a low-pitched sound while fangs rise out of the ground around the player, then snap shut and vanish. Evokers can change sheep wool color from blue to red and vise versa.
Ghast are large white floating ghost-like hostile mobs that live in the Nether and shoot explosive fireballs at the player. To spawn naturally, a ghast requires a solid block below it and a free space 5×5 blocks wide and 4 blocks high. They spawn only in the basalt deltas, nether wastes, and soul sand valley biomes, all three of which exist only in the Nether dimension, and in any light level. Ghasts do not spawn in nether fortresses, but they can wander nearby. Ghasts float around the Nether with their eyes and mouth closed and periodically make crying sounds, which can be heard from up to 80 blocks away. They have a hitbox of 4×4×4 blocks, as well as nine tentacles that are not included in the hitbox.
Guardian are pufferfish-like hostile mobs that spawn in and around ocean monuments. They attack with a slow-charging laser beam, and inflict retaliatory damage when damaged by a melee attack. Guardians spawn naturally in ocean monuments. They require water, flowing or stationary, to spawn. Guardians swim around in water, attacking any players, squid, glow squid, or axolotl that come into range of its laser. They swim in abrupt charges, moving their tail rapidly when doing so. When swimming, their spikes retract. When not swimming, they sink slowly and their spikes extend and quiver.
Hoglin are a breedable hostile mob found in the Nether, and a source of porkchops and leather. Hoglins are repelled by warped fungi that is placed in the world as well as active nether portals and respawn anchors. It attacks by thrusting its tusks upward, which can also launch its target a short distance into the air. Baby hoglins behave similarly, but have a much weaker attack (the weakest attack in the game) with normal knockback, and flee when hit. Hoglins avoid warped fungi (including in a flower pot), nether portals and respawn anchors, and will run away from them when within 7 blocks of them.
Husk are a variant of a zombie that spawns in deserts. They function similar to zombies, except they do not burn in sunlight and inflict Hunger with their unarmed attacks. Husks spawn at a light level of 0 in the desert, mostly replacing zombies in these biomes. Like zombies, husks are hostile toward the player, iron golems, villagers, baby turtles, and wandering traders and pursue those mobs on sight from 35 blocks away. Husks apply Hunger to any player or mob they hit using a melee attack unless the husk is holding an item in its main hand or the player blocks the attack with a shield. A husk that is submerged in water for 30 seconds begins converting to a normal zombie, which takes an additional 15 seconds and cannot be stopped even if the husk leaves water.
Magma Cube is a hostile mob found in the Nether. A magma cube behaves similarly to a slime, but is fireproof, jumps higher and less often, and deals more damage. Magma cubes spawn in areas of the Nether at all light levels. The space they spawn in must be clear of solid obstructions and liquids. Due to being inherently fireproof, magma cubes can spawn on magma blocks. When a magma cube is killed, it splits into 2-4 smaller magma cubes. Tiny magma cubes disappear when killed, like other mobs. Their jump height is dependent on their size.
Phantom are flying undead hostile mobs that spawn in the night sky when the player has not laid in a bed or died for three or more in-game days. They attack by diving at the player from the sky to bite them. Phantoms spawn unless the game rule /doInsomnia is set to false. They spawn in the Overworld above the player if the "Time Since Last Rest" statistic is at least 1 hour (72000 ticks or 3 in-game days). When idle, phantoms fly around in a roughly circular pattern, leaving a trail of gray smoke while doing so. Their movement speed is one of the fastest of any mob, up to 20 blocks per second.
Piglin Brute is a hostile and stronger variant of piglins that appears in all types of bastion remnants. Unlike piglins, they do not barter, retreat, or be diverted by gold, instead always charge at the player on sight with their golden axes. A small number of piglin brutes spawn in bastion remnants only upon generation and in some rooms. They do not have a baby variant. Piglin brutes spawn with a golden axe, occasionally with enchantments. They never spawn with armor and do not equip armor from the ground, although they can still be equipped with armor via dispensers or commands. Piglin brutes attack players, wither skeletons, and withers within 16 blocks and are not distracted by golden items or blocks. They also attack any mob (except for goats) that attacks any piglin, or piglin brute, either by accident or purposefully.
Pillager are hostile mobs armed with crossbows found in wandering patrols, in pillager outposts, or as participants in raids. They attack by firing arrows at the player. Pillagers continually spawn in a 72×54×72 block volume centered on the top floor in a pillager outpost. Some pillagers spawn as outpost captains. They may spawn on any valid opaque block if the block light level is less than or equal to 8. n a raid, pillagers are more common in the earlier waves and decrease in number as the waves progress. Despite this, they still constitute the majority of raiders in total. One pillager spawns riding a ravager in the fifth wave.
Ravager are large hostile mobs that only spawn alongside illagers in raids. They attack players, adult villagers, wandering traders and iron golems by running at them and biting them. They can be briefly stunned by being blocked with a shield, but after recovering they will roar, damaging and knocking away all nearby entities. Ravagers spawn starting at wave 3 as part of a raid. Ravagers are hostile toward players, iron golems, adult villagers, and wandering traders within a 32-block radius. They attack by ramming enemies with their head, dealing a knockback of 5 blocks. Ravagers also attack by opening and closing their mouths, similar to biting their target.
Shulker is a box-shaped hostile mob found in end cities. It hides in its shell to protect itself and blend in with its surroundings. It attacks by shooting homing bullets at the player which inflict Levitation. It is the only source of shulker shells, which are used to craft shulker boxes. Shulkers spawn during the generation of end cities, which are located on the outer islands of the End. They usually spawn on the walls of the city and on end ships. They do not despawn naturally, even in Peaceful difficulty. The shell of the mob looks similar to a purpur block, blending in to its natural surroundings. Inside the shell of the mob is a small yellow head with two eyes.
Silverfish are small hostile mobs that infest stone and deepslate blocks in mountains, strongholds, igloo basements and woodland mansions. They crawl at their targets to bite them, and attacking them will incite other nearby silverfish to emerge from their blocks and attack the aggressor. Silverfish spawn from broken infested blocks, which generate in strongholds, underground in mountains and windswept hills biomes, in igloo basements and in woodland mansion false portal rooms. Silverfish do not appear if the block is broken with the Silk Touch enchantment.
Skeleteon is an undead hostile mob that performs ranged attacks with a bow. A skeleton may spawn above a solid block at a light level of 0 from all Overworld except in mushroom fields and deep dark biomes, usually in small groups of up to four skeletons in Java Edition or two skeletons in Bedrock Edition. 80% of skeletons spawned directly under the sky in snowy plains, ice spikes, frozen oceans, deep frozen oceans and legacy frozen oceans biomes spawn as stray mobs. Spiders have a very low chance to spawn with a skeleton riding them, creating a spider jockey. Four skeleton horsemen spawn when a skeleton horse trap is triggered, typically during a thunderstorm. The skeletons ride on skeleton horses and are equipped with enchanted bows and iron helmets and, in Java Edition, have damage immunity for 3 seconds after spawning.
Stray is a variant of a skeleton that spawns in a few snow-covered biomes. They behave similarly to skeletons, except they fire tipped arrows of Slowness from their bows. A stray may spawn directly under the sky in snowy plains, ice spikes or frozen rivers, replacing 80% of skeletons. Additionally, a stray may spawn in frozen oceans, deep frozen oceans or legacy frozen oceans in Bedrock Edition. Strays do not spawn naturally from monster spawners in Java Edition. In Bedrock Edition, 1% of spiders and cave spiders may spawn as a spider jockey with 80% chance to be a stray spider jockey or stray cave spider jockey.
Slime are bouncy, cube-shaped hostile mobs that spawn deep underground in particular chunks, or in swamp biomes. They attack by jumping at their targets, come in three sizes and larger slimes can split into smaller ones on death. Slimes spawn in the Overworld in specific "slime chunks" below layer 40, regardless of light levels. They can also spawn in swamp biomes between layers 51 and 69 in light levels of 7 or less, with these layers tending to be near the surface. Slimes spawn regardless of weather conditions. In swamps and mangrove swamps, they spawn most often on a full moon, and never on a new moon.
Vex is a small flying hostile mob. It wields an iron sword, can phase through walls, and is only summoned as one of the evoker's attacks. They attack by lunging at their targets with their sword. he vex spawns as part of an evoker's summoning attack: The evoker is surrounded by white particles and makes a magical, horn-like sound. Then, a group of three vexes appears near the evoker. The evoker can summon additional vexes even if some still remain alive from the last summoning.
Vindicator is an illager equipped with an iron axe. Vindicators appear in woodland mansions and participate in raids. It sprints towards its targets to attack them with its axe. On Normal difficulty and Hard difficulty, vindicators sometimes spawn with a randomly enchanted iron axe. Vindicators spawn during the generation of woodland mansions, in groups of 1–3 inside particular rooms, sometimes accompanied by an evoker. Rarely, vindicators can spawn in the corridors and hallways. A vindicator named Johnny with a nametag or commands, will be hostile to every mob except evokers, pillagers, other vindicators, ghasts, or players in creative or specator mode.
Warden is an extremely powerful but easily avoidable hostile mob summoned by sculk shriekers in the deep dark biome. It attacks by swinging its arms downward, dealing the strongest melee damage of all mobs, and can also release a sonic boom attack that immediately strikes the target, piercing through obstacles and deals damage that cannot be reduced except by the Resistance effect. Wardens are completely blind and rely on vibrations, smell, and touch to detect players and mobs to attack, and can therefore be evaded via sneaking, diversions (snowballs, arrows, etc.) and wool. Wardens do not use standard mob spawning mechanics. They are instead spawned when a player activates naturally generated sculk shriekers four times and if there isn't already another warden within 24 blocks of it. A warden spawns by emerging from the ground near the shrieker that summoned it, taking about 6.7 seconds to do so and being completely invulnerable until fully emerged.
Witch is a hostile mob that uses potions in combat, both in the form of weapons as splash potions and in the form of drinkable potions for defense. The witch may spawn in the Overworld above opaque blocks at a light level of 0, in all biomes except mushroom fields and deep dark. Every swamp hut spawns a witch and a cat inside during world generation both which never despawn. A witch is neither an illager nor a villager. Witches do not use housing, the equipment in their swamp huts and cannot open doors. Witches are peaceful toward villagers and wandering traders when not participating in raids, although their potions can hit one by accident. In Java Edition, witches are given the Glowing effect for 3 seconds when a bell is rung within 32 blocks of them. This applies to all witches, regardless of whether they participate in raids or not.
Wither Skeleton are tall black variants of skeletons equipped with stone swords that inflict the poison-like Wither effect. They are found exclusively in nether fortresses and are the only source of wither skeleton skulls, as well as the only renewable source of coal. Wither skeletons spawn in nether fortresses at a light level between 0 and 7, in groups of up to 4. They are the only mobs that can spawn inside wither roses due to their immunity to the damaging effect. Wither skeletons wander aimlessly when idle, but sprint to attack players, snow golems, iron golems, baby turtles, piglins, and piglin brutes. They flee from wolves but retaliate if attacked. When an entity is attacked by a wither skeleton in any difficulty, it is inflicted with the Wither effect for ten seconds, which turns the health bar black and decreases it by 1♥ every two seconds, similarly to Poison, except that it can cause death.
Zoglin is an undead hostile mob created when a hoglin enters the Overworld or End. It never retreats or flees, and attacks players and almost all non-zoglin mobs indiscriminately, using the same tusk attack as its non-zombified counterpart. Zoglins spawn when a hoglin has been in the Overworld or the End for 300 game ticks (15 seconds). For their first 10 seconds after zombification, they get the nausea effect. This nausea effect is cosmetic and does not affect its behavior. When an adult zoglin attacks, it flings its target into the air. Blocking with shields does not mitigate this.
Zombie are common undead hostile mobs that deal melee damage and commonly attack in groups. Zombies may spawn in the Overworld in groups of up to four above solid blocks at a light level of 0, except in mushroom fields and deep dark biomes. All zombies spawned in desert biomes and exposed to the sky have a likelihood of 80% to be replaced by husks. All zombie variants (including babies) require a 2-block tall space to spawn. Zombies spawn with up to 5% of knockback resistance. If a player is near a village at midnight, up to 20 zombies may be spawned in the village in accordance with mob spawning rules. Zombies pursue the player on sight from 35 blocks away. Unlike skeletons, zombies do not try to avoid being hit and continue to pursue the player even when being attacked.
Zombie Villager is a variant of the zombie that can be cured into a normal villager using a golden apple while it is under the effect of Weakness. Zombie villagers behave as ordinary zombies, except that they do not convert to drowned when submerged. A newly-cured villager, if it had a profession prior to being zombified, offers a trading discount to the player who administered the cure. These discounts are permanent. If a villager is cured more than once, the discounts get deeper until the price reaches the minimum of one emerald. Villagers near the cured villager are also affected but offer fewer, smaller discounts. Zombie villagers that are in the process of converting do not despawn if the player moves far away from them, but like all monsters, they despawn if the difficulty is changed to Peaceful.
Jockey Varients
Jockeys, are a special condition in which a mob spawns riding another mob. All jockeys are hostile except for the strider jockey, which is neutral.
Chicken Jockey are the rare appearance of a baby zombie, baby zombified piglin, baby zombie villager, baby husk, or baby drowned riding a chicken. Each baby zombie, baby husk, baby zombie villager, baby zombified piglin, or baby drowned that spawns has a 5% chance to check for an existing chicken within a 10×6×10 box centered on the baby's spawn location and spawn riding one of those chickens if there are any. If it fails that 5% chance, there is an additional 5% chance of the baby zombie spawning mounted on a new chicken. In a chicken-free environment, each spawned zombie has a 0.25% chance of becoming a chicken jockey; if chickens are present, the chance increases to 0.4875%.
Hoglin Jockey are the rare appearance of a baby piglin riding a baby hoglin. Baby piglins run near and ride baby hoglins. If there are more baby piglins than baby hoglins, the baby piglins occasionally jump on other baby piglins already riding a baby hoglin, with a maximum of 3 stacked on a single baby hoglin. The baby piglins can dismount the hoglin after getting on it, making Hoglin Jockeys a temporary occurrence. Baby piglins are passive and play with baby hoglins, running around and riding upon them. Up to 3 baby piglins may stack on top of each other while riding a baby hoglin. Baby piglins can be given gold, but they do not give anything in return and run away.
Ravager jockey is a rare variant of the Ravager mob, with a Pillager riding on top of it. Ravagers do not attack pillagers who shoot at them by accident, and do not attack evokers when evoker fangs accidentally hit them. When a vindicator riding a ravager has been named "Johnny" it may attack the ravager while it is riding it, but the ravager does not attack the vindicator for any reason. When a ravager gets shot by a mob that battles with a projectile while it is attacking the player, the ravager first attempts to kill who shot it, then goes back to attacking the player once the deed is done. Any mob that doesn't battle with projectiles requires a ravagers to roar in order to aggro on it.
Spider Jockey are the rare appearance of a spider or cave spider being ridden by a skeleton, stray, or wither skeleton. There is a 1% chance for a spider to spawn with a skeleton riding it, forming a spider jockey. Spider jockeys spawned in narrow enclosures can cause the skeleton rider to die of suffocation, due to the spider scaling the walls. They can also spawn in a 1 high space with a transparent block above, so the skeleton is stuck in the transparent block. The spider and the skeleton cannot attack each other.
Strider Jockey are a varient of the Stride with a baby Strider or Zombified Piglin riding on top. For every strider that spawns, there is a 1 in 10 chance of an additional baby strider to spawn riding on top of the previous strider. This behavior is limited to one strider. A baby strider on the adult strider continues to grow although it does not dismount the adult strider once it has grown up. Zombified piglins have a 1 in 30 chance of spawning on top of a strider. If this happens, the strider spawns with a saddle and the zombified piglin spawns carrying a warped fungus on a stick.
Boss Mobs
Boss mobs are special hostile mobs that are distinctly more dangerous and tougher than other mobs. They do not spawn randomly, and are confronted intentionally. Boss mobs provide unique challenges but also equivalent rewards.
Elder Guardian is a stronger and larger variant of the guardian, and the largest aquatic mob. It attacks the same way as a normal guardian, but also applies Mining Fatigue to players in a large radius around itself. They are only found in ocean monuments and three of them generate in each one. one in the top room of the monument and the other two in each wing section of the monument. They do not respawn after their initial spawn, thus there are a limited number of them per world. The elder guardian's eye follows and stares at any nearby players, and always looks directly at its target. The eye still follows a player under the effects of Invisibility or in Spectator mode, but doesn't attack.
Ender Dragon is a giant flying hostile boss mob found when first entering the End. It is the largest naturally spawning mob in the game. It guards access to the end gateways that provide entry to the outer end islands in addition to the exit portal that allows return to the Overworld as well as access to the end credits of Minecraft. Its attacks involve charging at the player and its unique dragon acid attacks. Players can re-summon the dragon by placing four end crystals on the edges of the exit portal, one on each side. When it is re-summoned, the four end crystals point to the tops of each pillar setting off a series of explosions that resets the obsidian pillars, iron bars, and end crystals.
Wither is a player-constructed and highly destructive undead hostile boss mob that can hover in mid-air and fire barrages of explosive wither skulls at its target (which happens to be everything living). It is the only source of nether stars, which are used to craft beacons. The wither is spawned by placing 4 blocks of soul sand and/or soul soil in a T shape, and putting 3 wither skeleton skulls on top of the three upper blocks. The last block placed must be one of the three skulls. When spawned, the wither grows larger in size as its health bar fills up. While in this state, the wither is invulnerable, and neither moves nor attacks. When this state ends (after 11 seconds), the wither creates a large explosion centered on itself, destroying nearby blocks and dealing up to 68♥ × 34 damage to nearby mobs/players, depending on difficulty.