A biome is a region in a world with distinct geographical features, flora, temperatures, humidities, and sky, water, fog, grass and foliage colors. Biomes separate every generated world into different environments, such as forests, deserts and taigas. The biome of a location is determined during world generation rather than current environment. Even if the player completely changes all the blocks in a large area to imitate the terrain of other biomes, the biomes in this area will not be affected. The term biome is analogous to its scientific usage on Earth. A biome is climatically and geographically defined by distinctive communities of plants, animals and soil organisms supported by similar climatic conditions. They are often referred to as ecosystems. Overworld
The plains biome was the first released biome in Minecraft and covered the entire land. It consisted of mainly grass and dirt. Trees were added later in the game, then the release of ore blocks. Villages will also spawn here. Plains are the most basic of all lands, and the easiest to obtain food due to grass (seeds) and the spawning of farm animals, which are more abundant than in other biomes. Now plains have a chance to spawn bees and ruined nether portals.
Subtype: Sunflower Plains. Sunflower plains are plains that produce a naturally occurring abundance of sunflowers. They were added in 1.8 - The Bountiful Update.
Forest are a common biome with many oak and birch trees and a fair amount of tall grass, mushrooms and flowers. This is one of the most preferred biomes to start out in, due to the abundance of wood. Like in taigas, wolves are found.
Subtype: Birch Forest This biome only includes birch trees, though some oak trees will appear in it. It also looks much like a forest biome, although none of the birch trees can be large like their oak variants. However, if the terrain happens to be hilly, the birch trees can be extra tall.
Subtype: Flower Forest Flower forests are forests with oak trees but have a variety of species of flowers scattered throughout the biome. Bees are able to spawn in this biome. There are barely any farm animals.
Subtype: Meadow CThe meadow is an elevated grassy biome found in plateaus near mountain ranges. It is filled with patches of flowers and turquoise-green grass and tall grass. All small flowers generate except Blue orchids, tulips, lilies of the valley or wither roses. Rarely, a lone oak or birch tree can generate and always has a bee nest. Both pillager outposts and plains villages can generate in this biome. Sheep, donkeys and rabbits are the only passive mobs that spawn in this biome.
Subtype: Cherry Grove Cherry groves are grasslands with a lot of grass, tall grass and, besides the traditional dandelions and poppies flowers, there are pink petals. The main environmental feature of the cherry grove are cherry trees identified by their striking pink color. Their leaves drop petal particles. The cherry trees may generate densely enough create a cover of leaves. The cherry grove biome is good for surviving.
Mushroom Fields This rare biome consists of a mostly flat island and has mycelium instead of grass as its surface. However, any grass placed appears in a bright green color, even brighter than in the jungle. Mushroom fields are always adjacent to a deep ocean and are isolated from other biomes, and they are typically a few hundred blocks wide. It is one of the few biomes where huge mushrooms can generate naturally, and where mushrooms can grow in full sunlight.
No mobs other than mooshrooms spawn naturally in this biome, including the usual night-time hostile mobs. This also applies to caves, mineshafts, and other dark structures, meaning exploring underground is safe. However, monster spawners still spawn mobs, wandering traders along with their llamas can spawn, raids can still spawn illagers, the player can still breed animals and spawn mobs using spawn eggs, and insomnia still attracts phantoms.
Dark ForestDark Forest The dark forest biome features dark oak trees and huge mushrooms. The roofed forest biome is a very dangerous biome for players, as there are many dark places in the forest where hostile mobs are likely to spawn. However, it's more common than the mushroom fields, which makes it an easier place to find giant mushrooms. This is also where a woodland mansion can generate, though this is very rare. Prior to 1.13, dark forests were called roofed forests but were renamed to dark forests in this update. ![]()
SwampSwamp wamp biomes feature shallow bodies of discolored water and discolored grass, with oak trees covered in vines. Slimes and witch huts can be found in swamps. Swamp biomes are the only natural source for lily pads which generate in water. This is also the only biome that has naturally-occurring blue orchids. This is one of the easiest biomes to harvest clay in due to the large volume of shallow water, which is where a player will most frequently find clay. In Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, giant mushrooms will spawn in this biome as of the update 0.10.0., and the water tends to be dark and murky ![]()
Subtype: Mangrove Swamp The mangrove swamp is a variant of the swamp biome that generates in warmer regions, usually next to jungles and deserts. The floor is mainly composed of mud blocks with occasional grass block or dirt disks. In Java Edition, unlike most of overworld biomes, mushrooms do not generate here. The grass has the same color as the normal swamp but leaves and vines have a unique light green tint and the water is teal rather than gray. Warm frogs and tropical fish are the only passive animals that spawn in this biome. Swamp huts do not generate here.
JungleJungle A dense forested biome. It features ferns and large jungle trees that can reach up to 31 blocks tall with 2×2 thick trunks. Oak trees are also common though. The landscape is lush green, leaves cover much of the forest floor—these "bush trees" have single-blocks of jungle wood for trunks, surrounded by oak or jungle leaves. Vines are found alongside most blocks and may cover the surface of caves. Ocelots, pyramids, melons, cocoa, pandas and parrots exclusively generate in this biome. Melons generate in patches, similar to pumpkins, but are common. ![]()
Subtype: Bamboo Jungle
The bamboo jungle is a variant with dense bamboos. Oak trees, jungle trees, and jungle bushes are much less dense in this variant than in the regular jungle, and more dense to the sparse jungle, but boasts countless amounts of bamboo across its landscape. Patched melons are as common as in regular variants. Some swaths of grass blocks are replaced with podzol, similarly to old growth taigas. Cocoa beans cannot be found here, since they generate only on small jungle trees. All jungle-exclusive mobs spawn here. Pandas have a higher spawn rate in bamboo jungle than in regular jungle. Jungle pyramids may spawn here in Java Edition, whereas there are no jungle pyramids in Bedrock Edition.
DesertDesert A barren and inhospitable biome consisting mostly of sand dunes, dead bushes, and cacti. Sandstone, and sometimes fossils, are found underneath the sand. The only passive mobs that spawn naturally in deserts are gold/creamy rabbits, their coloring well-camouflaged against the sand. At night, husks usually spawn in the place of normal zombies; the lack of visual obstruction makes hostile mobs highly visible. Sugar cane can be found if the desert is next to a river biome. Desert villages, desert wells, and desert pyramids are found exclusively in this biome. Pillager outposts can also generate here. ![]()
Savannah A relatively flat and dry biome with a dull-brown grass color and acacia trees scattered around the biome, though oak trees may generate now and then. Tall grass covers the landscape. Villages can generate in this biome, constructed of acacia wood, with some colored terracotta. Pillager outposts can also generate here. Both horses and llamas can naturally spawn here.
Subtype: Shattered Savannah Unlike the mostly flat and calm terrain of the savanna biome, this uncommon variant generates in chaotic terrain covered in gigantic mountains covered in coarse dirt and some patch of stone. The mountains in the windswept savanna biome are extremely steep, jutting out at 90-degree angles, making it almost impossible to climb. Ocean-like lakes also generate here. On top of that, they can reach heights comparable to the mountain peak biomes - they can rise above the clouds. Massive waterfalls and lavafalls are quite common here. The unforgiving terrain means villages and outposts do not generate in this biome. Surprisingly, llamas can naturally spawn here.
MesasBadlands An uncommon biome where large mounds of terracotta and stained terracotta generate. Red sand also generates here instead of regular sand, with occasional cacti and dead bushes. This biome is usually found alongside desert biomes and it can generate in mountainous terrain. No passive mobs spawn in this biome, even if all other spawning conditions are met. Mineshafts generate at a higher altitude than normal - occasionally a player may come across a mineshaft jutting out of the Badlands. Gold ore also occurs more frequently, because additional blobs can generate within badlands up to y=256. The composition of this biome is useful when other sources of terracotta and gold are scarce. ![]()
Subtype: Eroded Badlands This rare variant generates unique terrain features that are similar to the structures in Utah's Bryce Canyon. Tall and narrow spires of colorful terracotta rise out of the floor of the canyon, which like all other badlands variants, is covered in red sand.
Subtype: Wooded Badlands The wooded badlands has layers of coarse dirt and forests of oak trees that generate atop the badlands in humid areas. The color of the grass and leaves is a dull green-brown hue, giving it a dried and dead appearance. These trees are a rare source of wood when living in the otherwise barren and lifeless badlands.
TaigaTaiga The taiga is a biome with densely-filled spruce trees and dull grey-blue grass. Hills are common, and wolves may be found in this biome more frequently than in others. Spruce trees cover the landscape and in the colder variants, water will freeze into ice. Sugar cane can spawn here, but it may break down due to the freezing of the water. The main difference between a taiga biome and a tundra biome is the number of trees (there are more in a taiga than in a tundra) and the amount of snow (there is more in a tundra than a taiga). The grass in the taiga is sand-green, much like in the extreme hills. As of update 1.14, foxes can be found here. ![]()
Subtype: Giant Tree Taiga
The giant tree taiga biome is a subtype of the taiga biome with a mega spruce taiga variant. It contains various blocks, including podzol, a variant of dirt. Also featured are 2x2 spruce trees, along with ferns, mushrooms, and dead bushes. This biome also features boulders made of mossy cobblestone that serve as a decorative purpose. Prior to 1.13, the giant tree taiga biome was called mega taiga but was renamed to giant tree taiga in this update.
Subtype: Snowy Taiga
Snowy taigas are similar to regular taiga, featuring large numbers of spruce trees, ferns, rabbits, white-coated foxes and wolves. Sweet berry bushes are less common compared to regular taiga. Dandelions and poppies can also still be found. The main distinction are the snow layers that cover almost the entire landscape, save for the ground protected by the leaves of spruce trees. The gelid temperature of the snowy taiga means that any exposed water freezes into ice, though lakes that generate within the taiga are often partially protected by the leaves of the trees, meaning lakes aren't usually completely frozen.
SnowSnowy Plains Snowy plains are flatlands covered with snow layers. Aquifers and springs freeze over soon after generation due to the temperature if not exposed to light; thus, sugar cane that generates alongside water sources often uproot themselves shortly after. Lava lakes and lava springs that generate within the snowy plains biomes melt the snow layers around them. Polar bears, rabbits and strays spawn here; the latter is a variant of the skeleton that shoot arrows of Slowness. ![]()
Subtype: Ice Spikes The Ice Spikes biome that features large spikes and glaciers of packed ice. Usually, the spikes are 10 to 20 blocks tall, but some long, thin spikes can reach over 50 blocks in height. The floor in this biome is entirely covered in snow blocks instead of grass, and ice patchs made of packed ice can generate on it. Like the regular snowy plains, no animal mobs other than rabbits and polar bears are able to spawn and strays appear at night.
MountainsGrove The grove creates a forest of spruce trees beneath the mountain peaks when near a forested biome. It is quite reminiscent of the snowy taiga but the surface is covered with snow layers, snow blocks, dirt and a lot of powder snow instead of grass blocks. Rabbits, wolves and foxes can spawn in this biome. ![]()
Jagged Peaks One of the three biomes that generate in the peaks of a mountain. This biome is found in taller and more jagged and pointy peaks that often pass the clouds and can peak at y=256. It is covered by a single layer of snow blocks with stone underneath often exposing ores such as coal, iron and emerald, and just like the snowy slopes, stone cliffs can generate in some sides of the mountain. Only goats spawn in this biome.
Subtype: Frozen Peaks The frozen peaks are covered by snow blocks and packed ice with occasional small blobs of ice. This biome usually generates in smoother and less jagged mountains compared to the jagged peaks biome. Only goats can spawn in this biome.
Subtype: Stoney Peaks The stony peaks are a warmer variation of peak biomes that generates in warmer regions to avoid temperature clashes. It is mainly covered by stone with large strips of calcite and exposed ores. No passive mobs spawn in this biome, and there's no snow.
Subtype: Windswept Gravelly Hills The windswept gravelly hills are mostly covered in gravel with occasional patches of grass and stone blocks. Due to the low amount of grass, the population of spruce and oak trees in this biome is sparse.
OceanBeach Generated where oceans meet other biomes, beaches are primarily composed of sand. Beaches penetrate the landscape, removing the original blocks and placing in sand blocks. These are also useful for fishing. Passive mobs other than turtles do not spawn on beaches. ![]()
Subtype: Snowy Beach Like a regular beach, one can find plenty of sand in this biome and buried treasure can be found underground in this snowy beach. However, sand is covered in a layer of snow. Snowy beaches are found when a snowy biome borders a frozen ocean biome. No passive mobs other than rabbits spawn in this biome.
Subtype: Stoney Shore True to its name, this stone-covered biome often appears where mountains meet the ocean. Depending on the height of the nearby land, Stony Shores may generate as medium slopes or huge cliffs, its tops tall enough to be covered by snow even when near warmer biomes. No passive mobs spawn here. Buried treasure can generate here. Strips of gravel can sometimes be found here.
Ocean The basic Ocean biome. Like its colder variants, its floor is made up of gravel. Sea grass, kelp, cod and salmon can spawn here. Oceans are the largest biome by area, covering anywhere around 25-33% of the surface area of the Overworld when factoring in all of its varieties and consist of a deep water source with the surface at an altitude of y=62 by default, which is counted as the "sea level" layer of the world.
Subtype: Deep ocean A variant of the Ocean biome. In Deep Ocean biomes, the ocean can exceed 30 blocks in depth, making it twice as deep as the normal ocean. The ground is mainly covered with gravel. Ocean monuments generate in deep oceans, meaning guardian and elder guardian can spawn here. Underwater ravines often generate here, with the top layer of lava being replaced by magma blocks that create bubble columns
Subtype: Warm ocean A variant of the Ocean biome, with light teal water at the surface. Like the Lukewarm Ocean, it has a floor made of sand, and like all oceans, it is populated with seagrass. Unlike other ocean biomes, Warm Oceans allow for the generation of coral reefs and sea pickles. Kelp cannot spawn here. It is the only ocean biome that does not have a deep variant.
Subtype: Lukewarm ocean A variant of the Ocean biome, with light blue water at the surface. Its floor is made of sand with the occasional dirt or clay, kelp and seagrass spawn here. Unlike the Warm Ocean biome, cod and salmon can spawn here. Coral cannot spawn here.
Subtype: Cold ocean A variant of the Ocean biome, with dark blue water at the surface. Like the standard Ocean and Frozen Ocean biomes, its floor is made up of gravel, though occasional patches of dirt can be found. Salmon are able to spawn in Cold Ocean biomes.
Subtype: Frozen ocean A variant of the Ocean biome with dark indigo water at the surface. Like the Cold Ocean, it has a gravel seabed and squids swimming about. However, the water's surface is frequently broken up by patches of ice and large icebergs, consisting of packed ice and, occasionally, blue ice. Strays and polar bears can spawn here, but dolphins do not.
Underground CavesDeep Dark An uncommon biome where large mounds of terracotta and stained terracotta generate. Red sand also generates here instead of regular sand, with occasional cacti and dead bushes. This biome is usually found alongside desert biomes and it can generate in mountainous terrain. No passive mobs spawn in this biome, even if all other spawning conditions are met. Mineshafts generate at a higher altitude than normal - occasionally a player may come across a mineshaft jutting out of the Badlands. Gold ore also occurs more frequently, because additional blobs can generate within badlands up to y=256. The composition of this biome is useful when other sources of terracotta and gold are scarce. ![]()
Dripstone Caves These are caves filled with dripstone blocks and pointed dripstone both hanging as stalactites and growing from the ground as stalagmites and small water wells of 1 × 1 in the ground. Large dripstone cluster structures generate occasionally inside these caves. Copper ore blobs found in this biome are much bigger compared to other biomes. Drowned are able to spawn in aquifers.
Lush Caves Lush caves are often found underground below azalea trees. As the name suggests, these caves are lush and covered by moss, moss carpets, grass and azalea bushes on the floors. On the ceiling, vines and cave vines with glow berries grow down and light up the caves, and spore blossoms grow from the ceiling and spore particles. There are also shallow lakes with clay where dripleaf plants grow out of them and axolotls spawn, making this the only biome where they can spawn. Tropical fish can also spawn inside the aquifers in a lush cave. Azalea trees spawn above ground when there are lush caves underneath.
Nether Wastes
The nether wastes is a massive cave that carves through the majority of the dimension. The main terrain consists of netherrack, with glowstone clusters growing and lava leaking from the ceiling and gravel and soul sand lining its shores. It is the most barren Nether biome, but also the easiest to traverse as there is largely no terrain that could possibly block your path. The only real threats would be the monsters, the fire-breathing ghasts, the piglins and their undead versions, the powerful magma cubes, and the rare enderman.
Crimson Forest
The Crimson Forest is a “red” crimson-themed biome, with warped and crimson fungus as well as huge crimson fungus scattered around the environment.
There are huge fungus structures that contain weeping vines hanging off them and may also have a few blocks of shroomlight. The floor of the biome is covered in crimson nylium, with crimson roots growing. Occasional patches of netherrack and red nether wart blocks are found scattered throughout the biome. In the ceiling, apart from glowstone clusters, there are sparse nether wart block stalactites with vines growing.
Piglins, zombified piglins and hoglins naturally spawn in this biome. As long as players equip at least one piece of gold armor, piglins should not cause any trouble. Hoglins can also be repelled by staying close to warped fungus. However, without these countermeasures, this biome can be fairly hostile to navigate. Nevertheless, the abundance of hoglins in this biome makes it a great source of food in the Nether, and the high population of piglins makes this biome an ideal location to barter with them.
Warped Forest
The huge fungus structures may have a few blocks of shroomlight scattered around them. The floor of the biome is covered in warped nylium, with warped roots and nether sprouts growing. Occasional patches of raw netherrack and warped wart blocks can be found scattered throughout the biome.
Apart from striders, endermen are the only mobs that spawn in this biome, making the warped forest an ideal location to collect ender pearls to access the End. This biome is also a relatively safe place to reside in the Nether, due to the fact that no hostile mobs spawn here. However, do note that other hostile mobs can still spawn from bastion remnants that generate here, as well as from nether fortresses that have cut into a warped forest after generating in another biome.
Soulsand Valley
The soul sand valley is a large grotto that is extensive and cuts through the Nether's usual terrain. Notable features of the biome are exposed nether fossils in various shapes and sizes, large amounts of lava, blue fog, large spires made of basalt, soul fire, and the occasional nether fortress or Bastion remnant. The biome itself consists of soul sand, basalt and soul soil. This biome is extremely dangerous to traverse due to the combination of Ghasts and Skeletons spawning here and soul sand slowing down the player's movement speed, making it easy for a player to get overwhelmed by projectile attacks. In addition, igniting soul sand or soul soil (especially since Ghast fireballs start fires near impact point) can create soul fire, which does more damage/second than regular fire if players get caught in it. It is recommended to avoid this biome unless players have sufficient equipment/strategies to navigate the terrain. The Soul Speed enchantment is especially helpful for traveling through this biome.
Basalt Delta
A gray biome, the basalt deltas are said to be the remnant of ancient volcanic eruptions. The ground consists of basalt and blackstone blocks, with small patches of netherrack and pools of lava. The shape of the terrain is chaotic and uneven, making it somewhat difficult to traverse and build on. Unlike the other biomes in the Nether, bastion remnants do not generate in basalt deltas. When this biome borders a lava ocean, clusters of basalt form near the coast.
Magma cubes have a high spawn rate in this biome, making the basalt deltas the best place to farm magma cream. This biome also contains a much higher abundance of blackstone compared to other Nether biomes.
The End
The End
Main End Island
This biome is used to generate the circle of radius 1000 centered at the 0,0 coordinates in the End. The End central island is generated at the center of this circle, and it's surrounded by a complete vacuum all the way to the edge of the biome. Most of the End features are exclusive to that island, including the ender dragon, the obsidian pillars, the end crystals, the 5x5 spawn platform, the exit portal and the 20 central end gateways. Large amounts of endermen spawn in this biome. It does not rain or snow in this biome unlike the other low-temperature biomes. The outer islands in the End can be accessed using end gateways after the ender dragon has been defeated. If the biome is used for a superflat world, the sky appears nearly black and an ender dragon spawns at the 0,0 coordinates in the Overworld. Only endermen spawn at night.
Outer End Islands
his biome represents the gradual slope from the hilltops of each island down to the cliffs around the edge. End cities generate here as do chorus fruit. Endermen spawn here.
Small End Islands
Generates as part of the outer islands of the End. This biome represents the empty expanse between the larger islands, populated by the smaller, circular islands. Endermen spawn here.